Friday, 28 September 2012

Why frogs are cool.

Frogs are cool - 

Frogs have to be the most amazing creature ever. they have every colour known to man on their body depending on the species but there are also the brown and plain frogs who have expanding chest and go 'ribbit' this makes them the most intriguing and mind blowing creature ever. some are poisonous, some are big, some are small, some are colourful, some are not this doesn't matter in the fact that they're also intelligent , they can understand human behaviour and weather change they are also very good at escaping predators especially the poison ones. there was this one frog called a mud frog that I found that creates its own pool for its offspring out of mud next to rivers and lakes. This makes it very smart as it means that predators like fish and crocodiles cant eat the eggs from within the lake. Also there was this other frog that managed to scare off a cat with its noises that it makes. 

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